武汉 武汉

武汉 武汉武汉 武汉
  1. 研究、开发和建设数字武汉是武汉市社会经济发展到信息时代的需要。

    In order to accelerate the social and economic development of Wuhan city , it is necessary to study , develop and construct digital Wuhan in the information era .

  2. 据报道,位于武汉的武汉科技大学去年花了600百万(约6.45万英镑)引进了这个技术设备为了”紧盯“她的的1.25万个大学生。

    The Wuchang University of Technology in the city of Wuhan reportedly introduced the technology last year paying 6 million yuan ( about £ 645000 ) in order to keep closer tabs on its 12500 undergraduates .

  3. 武汉站在武汉市青山区。

    Wuhan station in Wuhan green hill area .

  4. 针对结果,为武汉市以及武汉城市圈以后的发展提供一些建议,避免城乡差距扩大。

    At last , the paper provides some suggestions for future development to Wuhan City Circle for avoiding the widening gap between urban and rural areas .

  5. 武汉长江大桥武汉长江大桥建于1955年9月1日,于1957年10月15日建成通车。

    First Bridge over the Yangtze River Wuhan Changjiang River Bridge began to be built on September l , 1955.It was opened to traffic October 13 , 1957 .

  6. 在解放武汉之后,武汉市军事管制委员会按照不打乱原有的企业机构,达到迅速恢复和发展生产的接管方针,有计划、有步骤地对武汉三镇的邮政局所进行了接收。

    After the liberation of Wuhan , obeying the taking over policies of the " not disrupting the existing business organizations , rapid recovering and developing of the production ", the Military Control Commission of Wuhan systematically received the postal offices .

  7. 《大武汉》作为武汉唯一的城市杂志,是其城市文化传播的重要媒介,它对于研究武汉城市文化传播的相关问题具有广泛而深刻的现实意义。

    The Great Wuhan , the only city magazine in Wuhan , is an important medium for the spread of the local urban culture . It has a practical application significance to study the spread of Wuhan culture through the Great Wuhan .

  8. 政治科学与武汉大学&献给武汉大学建校110周年

    Politics Wuhan University For the 110 ~ ( th ) Anniversary of Wuhan University

  9. 从《史记》、《汉书》到《汉武大帝》武汉长江二桥与武汉长江大桥的比较

    Comparison of the Second Changjiang River Bridge in Wuhan with the Wuhan Changjiang River Bridge

  10. 数字武汉系统框架探讨武汉数字工程研究所

    Wuhan Digital Engineering Research Institute figure

  11. 随着1938年10月武汉的沦陷,武汉作为临时的政治、文化中心的地位以不复存在。

    Since Wuhan occupied by Japanese in October 1938 , its provisional center position of politic and cultures was lost too .

  12. 以已有研究而言,主要集中于武汉政治史、武汉抗战史及武汉城市史三大主题。

    This article finds that studies on the Nanjing period comprise such three areas as politics , Anti-Japanese War , and the urban development .

  13. 《武汉晨报》在武汉五所高校中进行了一项有关学生开销的调查,结果显示,学生平均每月预算为1000元。

    Wuhan Morning News conducted a survey on student budgets across five local universities . The report indicates that on average students have a monthly budget of 1,000 yuan .

  14. 武汉科技新城位于武汉市东部,有着优越的地理区位和良好的发展势头,其今后的发展对于武汉市甚至湖北省都有着重要的战略意义。

    Wuhan Science & Technical New Town lies in the east of Wuhan city , with superior geographical position and good growth momentum , whose future development has important strategic meanings in Wuhan city and even Hubei province .

  15. 本研究以湖北教育学院、湖北经济学院、华中师范大学、中南财经政法大学、武汉工程大学、武汉商贸学院、孝感学院的学生和体育老师为研究对象。

    This study collected status from Hubei Institute of Education , Hubei Institute of Economy , Central China Normal University , Zhongnan University of Ecnomics and Law , Wuhan Engineering University , Wuhan Institute of Commerce and Trade , Xiaogan Institute .

  16. 方法:根据药物中毒的编码,检索武汉中心医院及武汉市儿童医院的病案综合管理系统,并调阅符合药物中毒的81例病例。

    Method : Synthetical record managing system of Wuhan City Second Hospital and Wuhan City Pediatric Hospital were explored on basis of the code of drug intoxications , and 81 cases of patients ' records according with drug intoxications were reviewed .

  17. 江汉大学是经教育部批准,由原江汉大学、华中理工大学汉口分校、武汉教育学院、武汉市职工医学院合并组建的一所多科性本科高等学校。

    Jianghan university , an amalgamation of the former Jianghan university , Hankou branch of Huazhong University of science and technology , Wuhan College of education , and Wuhan Medical College for further education , has been approved by the Ministry of education as a comprehensive institution of higher learning .

  18. 仅在上周,武汉市就设立了三个交易所&武汉航运交易所、武汉农畜产品交易所和武汉金融资产交易所。

    Last week alone , three exchanges were established in the city of Wuhan – the Wuhan Shipping Exchange , Wuhan Agricultural and Livestock Products Exchange and Wuhan Financial Assets Exchange .

  19. 本课题把《大武汉》所选取的样本按城市文化内容构成进行分类,通过整理归类制成图表分析《大武汉》在武汉文化传播中的表现和作为。

    This topic classify the samples of the Great Wuhan according to the constitute of the city cultural content , finishing classified and charting to analyze the performance in the spread of Wuhan culture .